The Pardon of Assisi, celebrated on 2 August, sees millions of pilgrims visit the Porziuncola in Santa Maria degli Angeli in their search for peace and forgiveness in order to feel closer to the evangelical life experienced by St. Francis and St. Clare.
This unusual religious event known as the “Perdon d’Assisi” has undoubtedly made the entire world aware of the Porziuncola, the tiny church very close to St. Francis’ heart, housed within the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli.
For over seven centuries, millions of pilgrims have crossed the threshold of this “door of eternal life” and here they have prostrated themselves to rediscover the peace and forgiveness of the great Indulgence of the Porziuncola, which is celebrated on 2 August every year.
It all began one night in 1216 when Francis was praying alone in the tiny church and Christ and His Mother surrounded by angels in the light appeared to him.
After worshipping them in silence, St. Francis heard them ask what he desired to save souls and without any hesitation, he prayed that whoever came to visit the sacred building would be granted complete forgiveness of their sins.
The Lord granted St. Francis’ request on the understanding that he obtained the Holy Father’s approval, which he obtained from Pope Honorius III who happened to be in Perugia at the time.
The most important aspect of the Pardon of Assisi is its great spiritual use for the faithful who, in order to enjoy the benefits, are invited to confess and take Holy Communion. Confession is preceded and accompanied by contrition for the sins committed and by the promise to mend one’s evil and embrace the evangelical life style led by Francis and Clare that began in the Porziuncola for them both.